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Nuclear Fusion vs. Nuclear Fission
This paper entitled ââ¬Å"Nuclear Fusion versus Atomic Fissionâ⬠expects to look into atomic combination and atomic parting. It m...
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Propaganda Posters of WWI essays
Propaganda Posters of WWI essays The United States produced a lot of propaganda posters during WWI. Most explained that we should eat certain foods so we can send the rest Over There to help our troops. Also many of the posters pushed us to work harder. Explaining that the work we do is for our men in Europe. There was a high demand for building ships at this time because Germany had many ships of their own. Many businesses in my eyes didnt have a high turn-over rate because of this situation. They stated that jumping from one job to another is hurting the production and they need us to help them win this battle. The posters about saving sugar, fat, wheat and meat because we can use it as our ammunition to the soldiers were to convince Americans that even though that they are not there that they have an important part in this. The ships that were built by working day and night were used to send food to the soldiers. From industrial to agricultural goods, everything was needed. Agriculture was very important because that was where that sugar, meat and wheat was coming from. During the winter months cotton was important for coats to keep warm and also socks for our troops and allies. Food and Drug Administration asked families to save their garbage because that could be important to us and the war because they could contain ingredients for soaps, fertilizers, and other war necessities. Ever created regulations on disposal of food and waste products. They wanted us to be more efficient in everything we do because the littlest thing to our daily lifestyle could be the biggest part of the war. That was pounded in to the Americans heads with these posters. This period of time had to be the best time ever for the United States as far as producing goods, productivity (factories and farming), and morale as a nation. The government also produced war stamps and bond to help fund the war as well. Posters were put out to...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Visible Light Spectrum Overview and Chart
Visible Light Spectrum Overview and Chart The visible light spectrum is the section of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum that is visible to the human eye. Essentially, that equates to the colors the human eye can see. It ranges in wavelength from approximately 400 nanometers (4 x 10 -7 m, which is violet) to 700 nm (7 x 10-7 m, which is red). It is also known as the optical spectrum of light or the spectrum of white light. Wavelength and Color Spectrum Chart The wavelengthà of light,à which is related to frequency and energy, determinesà the perceived color. The ranges of these different colors are listed in the table below. Some sources vary these ranges pretty drastically, and their boundaries are somewhat approximate, as they blend into each other. The edges of the visible light spectrum blend into the ultraviolet and infrared levels of radiation. The Visible Light Spectrum Color Wavelength (nm) Red 625 - 740 Orange 590 - 625 Yellow 565 - 590 Green 520 - 565 Cyan 500 - 520 Blue 435 - 500 Violet 380 - 435 How White Light is Split Into a Rainbow Most light that we interact with is in the form of white light, which contains many or all of these wavelength ranges. Shining white light through a prism causes the wavelengths to bend at slightly different angles due to optical refraction. The resulting light is split across the visible color spectrum. This is what causes a rainbow, with airborne water particles acting as the refractive medium. The order of wavelengths can be remembered by the mnemonic Roy Gà Biv for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (the blue/violet border), and violet. If you look closely at a rainbow or spectrum, you might notice that cyan also appears fairly distinctly, between green and blue. Most people cannot distinguish indigo from blue or violet, so many color charts omit it. By using special sources, refractors, and filters, you can get a narrow band of about 10 nanometers in wavelength that is consideredà monochromaticà light. Lasers are special because they are the most consistent source of narrowlyà monochromatic lightà that we can achieve. Colors consisting of a single wavelength are called spectral colors or pure colors. Colors Beyond the Visible Spectrum Theà human eyeà and brain canà distinguish many more colors than those of the spectrum. Purple and magenta are the brains way of bridging the gap between red and violet. Unsaturated colors, such as pink and aqua, are also distinguishable, as well as brown and tan. However, some animals have a different visible range, often extending into the infrared range (wavelength greater than 700 nanometers) or ultraviolet (wavelength less than 380 nanometers). For example, bees can see ultraviolet light, which is used by flowers to attract pollinators. Birds also can see ultraviolet light and have markings visible under a black (ultraviolet) light. Among humans, there is variation between how far into red and violet the eye can see. Most animals that can see ultraviolet cant see infrared.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Public Administration Policy AnalysisAnalytical paper that will Research
Public Administration Policy AnalysisAnalytical that will analyze and make a recommendation on a policy issueNATIONAL POPULATION CONTROL - Research Paper Example Increase in the population generally has a very great impact on the country. It leads to various other problems in education and employment. People do not get an opportunity to select the educational institution that they prefer. This subsequently affects their employment. Employment has become a big issue since the numbers of educated people are more when compared to other countries. The U.S nationals are deprived of their chances due to the increase in the immigration. Population control is the major concern of any country. The governments of almost all the countries around the world try their best to control the population though there are various population control techniques; the lack of co-operation leaves the policies ineffective. Population control cannot be achieved overnight and the government and other public service organizations must implement unique population control mechanism. (Mosher, 2008).The importance of population control has been realized over the past few years and almost all the countries struggle hard to control the population. United States is one among the countries which has taken up this issue seriously. Due to the various external factors, the American government has proposed new ideas that can control the population. The current population in U.S is more than 30 crores and there... (Haub, 2008). The current population in U.S is more than 30 crores and there has been an increase in the fertility rate when compared to the past. When compared to the 20th century the population in U.S has tripled and the census has revealed the fact that U.S population cannot be controlled instantaneously. (Dexter, 2009). There are various issues that have contributed to the increase in the population. The immigration, increase in the fertility rate and the lack of sex education are the major reasons for the increase in the population. The various issues with their respective alternatives are discussed below. Immigration Immigration is one of the main reasons for the increase in the U.S population. There has been an enormous increase in the number of people who emigrate from other parts of the world. The development in the science and technology has grabbed the attention of many and people prefer U.S when compared to the other states. U.S has been one among the best places for the students to pursue their higher education. These people who pursue their education gradually settle down in U.S as soon as they get a suitable job. This in turn adds to the population and this also has a disadvantage. The natives of U.S are deprived of their chances in education and employment. (Haines, 2000). A survey that was conducted by the U.S Census Bureau reveals that the number of immigrants in the year 2005 was around 1.4milliion. This research also shows that the number of people who immigrate to U.S in the year 2050 will be around 2.1 million per year. This clearly states that the immigrants play a major part in the U.S population and the decrease in the number of immigrants will prove to be a relief.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Module one discussion board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Module one discussion board - Essay Example The research design and field work must be conducted properly so as to address the problems accurately. Hence, enforcing strict code of ethics becomes very important part of market research (Hunt and Vitell,1986). The companies can enforce ethics in market research by getting feedback directly from the participants and double check their responses to check the authenticity of data that is to be analyzed. Special precaution must be adhered so as not to influence respondentsââ¬â¢ responses. The manipulated responses generate misleading results that could jeopardize the actions of the clients in addressing their problems (Sales and Folkman, 2000; Sparks and Hunt, 1998). The personal interview schedule is most susceptible to crossing ethical boundaries. The covert and overt dimension of the research is major element that blurs the distinction between the subjectsââ¬â¢ right to privacy and the publicââ¬â¢s right to know. As such mutual trust needs to be developed to elicit right responses which would accurately reflect respondentsââ¬â¢ views. Stringent punishment must be enforced when trust is violated between respondents and researcher or between researcher and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Management annotated bibliography Essay Example for Free
Management annotated bibliography Essay The purpose of this paper is to provide an annotated bibliography of three articles that deal with innovation and strategic management. And will include a review from the authorââ¬â¢s perspective on current trends being shaped by innovation and specific aspects of innovation influencing strategic management. Innovation strategy: 4 key tactics of top growth companies The article covers the four practices of successful growth. Finding the next S-curve, lean on customers, think like a designer, and lead the way are the four areas that are focused on. The practice of finding the next S-curve explains that innovation has a time window, and is directly related to revenue. With continuous innovation, a companyââ¬â¢s chance of hitting and staying within the window increases dramatically. The practice of lean on customers directly relates to gaining an understanding of the customer. It points out tools to use, such as creating a customer empathy map. Lean on customers creates a lean approach to product innovation. The think like a designer practice involves using innovation to create new options. This includes using Blue Ocean Strategy which is the search for uncontested market space and the business model canvas which is the nine building blocks for business. The lead the way practice involves making innovation a priority and those innovative leaders should be role models. Current innovative companies are used as examples for each practice. These include Amazon, Apple, IBM, and Starbucks (Power, 2014-15). Elements of a successful innovation roadmap This article covers innovation with Rapid Innovation Cycle (RIC). RIC leads to a higher success rate, by showing a repeatable process. It is anà introduction to a work shop. Product, business models, and processes can benefit from this road map. The rapid innovation cycle has four phases. Phase one is define and scope the innovation opportunity, phase two is discover new ideas, phase three develop and design concepts for experimentation, and phase four is demonstrate the innovation through piloting and prototyping. The define phase details the way to define and scope an innovation. This is from the customerââ¬â¢s perspective and saves valuable time and energy. The discovery phase details ways of exploring ideas to solve the issues that came to light in the define phase. The develop phase shows ways of developing the ideas that came from the discovery phase. The demonstrate phase turns the ideas from the development phase into simulations or working prototypes. By following the prescribed roadmap, companies can innovate with little to no waste (Samuel, 2013). Using Global insights to drive local innovation This article shows a strategy to gain innovation by looking at trends and insights on a global level. By learning what trends are emerging and what global consumers behaviors are, provides important insights to meet consumerââ¬â¢s needs. Two important areas to focus on are the customerââ¬â¢s experience and lifestyle focus. The consumerââ¬â¢s overall satisfaction is a key element, and products need to fulfill a wide array of lifestyles and interests. By following and anticipating these trends, companies can focus their innovation efforts to fulfill these needs (Capercini, 2013). Authorââ¬â¢s review Innovation is a key factor in any business. With the information age moving and advancing as fast as it is, companies have to be proactive to keep up. Part of strategic management is innovation; this includes having a plan, developing new ways to do business, and new or better products and services. Not paying attention to global as well as local trends could have catastrophic consequences on a business. It is up management to lead the way and be role models. By finding uncontested market space, companies can have the advantage over competitors. References Capercini, R. (2013). Innovation Management.se. Retrieved from http://www.innovationmanagement.se/2014/10/28/using-global-insights-to-drive-local-innovation/ Power, D. (2014-15). Harvard division of continuing education: Professional Development. Retrieved from http://www.dce.harvard.edu/professional/blog/innovation-strategy-4-key-tactics-top-growth-companies Samuel, Dr. P. (2013). Innovation Management.se. Retrieved from http://www.innovationmanagement.se/2014/11/10/elements-of-a-successful-innovation-roadmap/
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Jane Austen Essay -- essays papers
Jane Austen 6. How does Mansfield Park interrogate the relationship of power and gender? Mansfield Park by Jane Austen is a classic realist text, which is almost exclusively focused on a small strip of society, namely the upper-middle class of rural England; the class to which she herself belonged. Throughout her novel, Austen portrays the disadvantaged position of woman, presenting the issues of gender stereotyping and marriage choice as the main problems they have to confront. ââ¬Å"Gender came to be seen as a construct of society, designed to facilitate the smooth-running of society to the advantage of menâ⬠1, proving that men gained power throughout the socially constructed subordination of woman. Taking a post-structuralist approach to Mansfield Park, we can see that there is a ââ¬Å"pretence that bourgeois culture is ââ¬Ënaturalââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ ¦to limit meaning in the interests of control, repression and privilegeâ⬠2. Austenââ¬â¢s writing embodies middle-class values, and portrays an ideology that emphasises patriarchal rule, along with social and economic power, with little reference to the hardships of the working class. This text is therefore a form of oppressive ideology, in which women are kept in their socially and sexually subordinate place. When Sir Thomas Bertram discovers that Fanny will reject Henry Crawfordââ¬â¢s proposal, the cruelty of male power is evident, enforcing the gender role. He does not understand her refusal of a secure marriage, and attempts to change her answer by redefining what she says. Sir Thomas is an authoritative male, and represents the male-dominated system that tries to take control of, and organise a womanââ¬â¢s life for her. Although Fanny represents female resistance by opposing Sir Thomasââ¬â¢s judgement, Auste... ...ation to the women, as they can use their influence and power in a good or bad way. Austen takes the disadvantaged position of women, and analyses sexual stereotypes and prejudices in great detail. Therefore male power and female helplessness are explored fully in her novels. Bibliography: Jane Austen, Mansfield Park (Penguin, 1994) Simone De Beavouir, Women and the Other; Literature in the Modern World, Dennis Walder (Oxford University Press, 1990) Marilyn Butler, Romantics, Rebels & Reactionaries (Oxford University Press, 1981) Mary Eagleton, Feminist Literary Theory: A Reader (Basil Blackwell Ltd, 1986) Terry Eagleton, Criticism and Ideology (Oxford University Press, 1976) Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory: An Introduction, 2nd Ed (Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 1996) Dennis Walder, Literature in the Modern World (Oxford University Press, 1990)
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Is College Worth the Cost
Is College Worth The Cost? College is getting more and more expensive as the years go on. The question is; is it worth the cost? In three different articles, authors will tell you their opinion and give evidence behind their reasoning. Derek Thompson writes ââ¬Å"Whatââ¬â¢s More Expensive than College? Not Going to College,ââ¬â¢ Amy Phillips writes ââ¬Å"Is college worth the money? â⬠and Justin Pope writes ââ¬Å"College Costs: New Research Weighs the True Value of a College Education. â⬠First, author Derek Thompsonââ¬â¢s main claim is there is still something more expensive than going to school, very often that is not going to school.Thompson uses data and charts as evidence to prove his theory of the cost of college. This makes it very affective to his article because there are detailed charts helping to prove his opinion essay writer fast. His purpose for writing his article is to make sure the people who donââ¬â¢t know that not attending college can make you suffer in the real world with your job. The intended audience for his article is the people who donââ¬â¢t plan on going to college because they need to see what mistake they are making. In the chart in the article it shows us the unemployment rates from people with a Doctoral degree to people who only had less than a high school diploma.Obviously the rates for people who had less than a high school diploma were over 12 times the amount of a Doctoral degree. He also states within the article that college grads earn more than 80% than people who donââ¬â¢t go to school period. Thatââ¬â¢s a staggering amount of money thatââ¬â¢s could be earned but people donââ¬â¢t chose to take it. I believe his evidence definitely supports Thompsonââ¬â¢s main claim. Next, Amy Phillipââ¬â¢s main claim is that education is not worth the cost because to many people have a degree. Phillips uses sources to give her evidence behind her main claim.She claims that the saying ââ¬Å"sp end more money to achieve a better standard of livingâ⬠is wrong. She states that yes going to college does earn you more money but you also have student loans to pay for. And also the extra money is not promised because due to a released report by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics shows that one in five porters and bellhops have college degrees. Phillipââ¬â¢s goes on to talk about how if we really do know what we want our careerââ¬â¢s to be, instead of forking out loads of money at a four or more year college we can attend vocational schools.To get our degrees faster and only learn that particular study. I believe her evidence is not very affective because the evidence she gives does not give a reinsurance to do the things that she is writing about. She is intending her audience to be to the people who are wasting their money in four or more year colleges. Her purpose for writing this was to stop the lying to a whole generation by telling them that obtaining a college d egree will make life better. Finally, Justin Pope took a different direction then his fellow writers.His first claim is that the middle-class is getting particularly squeezed with student loans in the pursuit of one. And his second claim is that students from middle income families rack up more in student loan debt on an average than other. With his first claim he gives data to support his evidence. The unemployment rate for all four-year graduates is 4. 5%. For recent graduates, itââ¬â¢s 6. 8%. For recent graduates trying to work with only a high school diploma, itââ¬â¢s nearly 24%. These statistics show that not going to school gives you a higher unemployment rate than most graduates.With his second claim the evidence is that federal grant aid targets the low-income families. Meaning that the high-income families have no problem with paying their tuition fees and with low-income the government is helping them but for the middle class families they donââ¬â¢t have enough mo ney to pay their whole tuition but they also donââ¬â¢t get assistance. So by time graduation middle class families have more student loan debt than anyone. The purpose for Pope writing this is to let the middle class know that he understands where they are coming from.I believe his examples are very affective because his evidence shows who is doing more of the suffering. And finally his intended audience is to the middle-income families. In conclusion, my opinion on college be worth the cost is, that yes I believe college is definitely worth the cost. The author that I think had the strongest argument was Derek Thompson. His way of explaining his evidence made me understand more of his main claim. Going to college not only means a lot to my mom but it does to me too.Yes, Amy Phillips does have a point with her main claim; with what I want to do when I am older I could easily go to vocational school and earn my degree a lot faster than going to a four-year college. But I think job s would hire people who have the extra education than the people with little education. Becoming a nurse is my main priority, since it is in the medical field there is more competition for jobs. So having that higher degree and longer time in college shows that I am more dedicated to becoming a nurse and it also gets me paid more than the people who just went to vocational school.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Clairant Marketing
We are also thankful to Mr.. Oman Patella 0 for his help and valuable Insights Into Strategic Management at Claimant Pakistan Limited. Mr.. Patella, a very dedicated individual, is a competent and proactive professional at analyzing the implications of Claimant's competitive strategic framework on each of the business' operations. He provided us with every detail about Clangors corporate strategic activities and how they are aligned with the core competencies of the company.Without his time and help, it would have been impossible for us to prepare this report. Sincerely, Amber Alicia Ham Named Virus Mason Razz Mohammad Moms Useful Gaga students of ABA (HON.) Institute of Business Management, Karachi. Letter of Transmittal Mr.. Abdul Qatar Mollie Institute of Business Management Koran Creek Karachi ââ¬â 75190 Pakistan Date: 18th April, 2013 Dear Mr.. Mollie: Management in Claritin Pakistan Limitedâ⬠as authorized by you.The purpose of this report is to examine how Claritin Pa kistan Limited manages its strategic activities at the corporate as well as the business level. The project report is a comprehensive outline of Claimant's strategic mission, the competitive strategies it has developed to enhance its core competencies, the macro-economic analysis that it conducts for scanning the various environmental threats/pressures, the strengths and opportunities it effectively utilizes and the weaknesses and threats it counter- balances.The group members were immensely excited to work on this project since in a few months' time we will all be part of the work force and will be concerned with these strategic tasks employed in the organization at the basic level of an individual employee. With much effort and diligence all the work was divided equally amongst us. We prepared a questionnaire which contained a list of questions regarding Strategic analysis, development and execution. We then met a representative of Claritin Pakistan Limited, Mr.. Oman Patella 0 wh o responded to our list of questions diligently.Later different parts of the report were asked to be written by each group member. While working on this report we observed the amount of energy, thought process and effort that goes behind into making an organization strategically competitive in its industry We are grateful to you for teaching us the important aspects of Strategic Management, for helping us whenever we needed your assistance and believing in us to complete this report in the best possible manner by fulfilling our capabilities. Contents 1 Objective To conduct Claimant's organizational analysis in the light of the chemical industry.To achieve this objective a broad environmental analysis needs to be conducted in order to recognize the external opportunities and threats along with internal strengths and weaknesses. This would allow us to improvise their existing strategies and suggest recommendations. 2 Industry Definition At present there are nearly 30 Chemical companie s having the total paid-up Capital of RSI. L . 7 billion. Most of them have shown remarkable progress in their sales in the recent years such as Fuji Fertilizer, Icily Pakistan, Negro Chemical, Atwood Hercules,Claritin Pakistan, Sitars Chemical Colgate Palmolive, Berger Paints, BOCA Pakistan, Sins Alkalis, Dyne Pakistan, are considered as market leaders in the field of Chemical Industry in Pakistan. The rapid industrialization resulting in the large increase in chemical consuming products has enlarged the demand of all types of chemicals in the country. Chemical Industry in Pakistan has gradually developed to its present stage and has played a vital part in the development of the country and will continue to do so in future with more foreign investment.The Chemical Industry produces a arioso range of products such as polyester fiber, sodium carbonate, PVC, Soda Ash, PTA, Pharmaceutical, Paints, Fertilizer, Insecticides, Petrol-Chemical and other Chemicals. Chemical industry in Pakis tan is widespread. The chemical imports constitute about 17% of the total import bill. Pakistan has made considerable progress in basic inorganic chemicals like Soda Ash, Caustic Soda, Sulfuric Acid and Chlorine and has acquired sufficient production capacity of these chemicals to cater for the needs of the local industry, while surplus is being exported. 2 Even then there are some challenges to be countered. The chemical industry of Pakistan is lagging behind due to some challenges. The main challenge is that it has to rely on its imports and foreign materials. It does not benefit the economy and results in production of expensive products. Secondly lack of industrial infrastructure and technology in Pakistan results in low quality products which do not mark the standard. Moreover the discriminatory approach of international community does not integrate the Pakistan market into the international economy and Pakistani products are not given access to the international market.Moreove r the lack of resources and weak trade policies of the ministries also result in the weakening of chemical industry. In order to enhance the chemical industry Pakistan must adopt the policy of ââ¬Å"self-relianceâ⬠. Instead of relying on foreign designs and engineering it must improve its own production and ensure high quality of chemical products. Pakistan must work towards integrated approach. It must bring four worlds of a society together which are traders, universities, research and development and production partners.This will bring innovation and must utilize its youth which has rest minds and great ideas to enhance the chemical industry resulting in qualitative and quantitative perfection in the chemical products. Pakistan is capable of producing high technological products all it needs is a little bit of effort in improvement of administrative capabilities and induction of new technology and support from government to put things in order. 3 Company Background and Info rmation 3. History Claritin was formed in 1995 as a spin off from the chemical company Sanded, which was itself established in Basel in 1886. Through their direct lineage, Claritin have massed knowledge and experience of chemistry and industry spanning approximately 150 years. Claritin expanded through the incorporation of the specialty chemicals business of Hooch's (Germany) in 1997, and the acquisitions of BIT Pl (I-J) in 2000 and Saba's Master batches division in 2006.In 2008, it acquired the leading U. S. Colorado suppliers Rite Systems and Ricoh Colors. The latest acquisition, the highly-innovative specialty chemicals company SÃ'Ëd-Chemic (Germany), was completed on 21 April 2011. Additives Catalysis & Energy Emulsions, Detergents & Intermediates Functional Materials Industrial & Consumer Specialties Leather Services Masturbates Oil & Mining Services of specialty chemicals and application solutions for consumer care and industrial markets.Textile dyes include disperse, reactiv e, direct, acid and sulfur dyes. The textile business encompasses special chemicals for pretreatment, dyeing, printing and finishing of textile. Optical brightener and chemicals for special treatment are also the part of the range. Moreover, textile region also include water based application of the emulsion for the paint and the construction industry. Paper business supplies paper dyes, optical brightener and process and pulping chemicals.Leather region produces chemicals for finishing and complete range of wet-end chemicals. The Consumer Care segment includes the Personal Care business which, among others, develops and produces specialty ingredients for skin and hair care, wet wipes and selected pharmaceutical applications. They supply all relevant information and advice for safer use, handling, labeling, storage, and disposal of our products as a part of Claimant's commitment to sustainability and product stewardship to best meet customer needs.Industrial & Home Care business hel ps customers gain a competitive advantage with its product range for household cleaning fluids, disinfectants, industrial and hospital cleaning solutions Claritin, as a world leader in the field of specialty chemicals, is fully committed to sustainable operation and development in all business activities. It develops and offer products and applications that allow for use of the product during its whole life cycle helping to avoid risk to employees, customers, the public and environment.Claritin has signed the Global Responsible Care Charter as our commitment to Sustainability. It is the chemical industry voluntary initiative to continuously improve health, safety and environmental performance, and to communicate with all stakeholders through the supply chain. This enables Claritin to make a strong contribution to Sustainable Development through the Responsible [emailà protected] ethic and the Global Product Strategy targets which promote the safer use of chemical products and enha nce product stewardship throughout the whole supply chain.Their comprehensive product stewardship approach includes cooperation and partnership with Claimant's suppliers Claritin is aware that the energy issue is one of he key challenges of today's and future society and industry. Claritin highlights energy efficiency and savings as the most cost-effective and fastest way to reduce CO and other emissions and increase security of supply. 3. 3 Mission Statement Our mission clearly expresses what is important to us and what we stand for ââ¬â as a brand and as a company. We build leading positions in the businesses we are active in and we adopt functional excellence as part of our culture.We create value through appreciating the needs of: our customers ââ¬â by providing competitive and innovative our environment our shareholders by acting sustainable ââ¬â by achieving above-average returns 4 Porters Five Forces 4. 1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers The bargaining power of suppl iers is low. Claritin is a chemical manufacturing firm; they make chemicals used in different sectors like textiles, oil & gas, mining, dyeing etc. Claritin does not have a particular supplier for its raw materials; the Company buys raw material from different suppliers.The planning department is responsible for planning of the units of raw material to be purchased based on the market forecast. The procurement then takes prices from approved suppliers and then laces an order to the supplier who gives the lowest deal on the purchase. The bargaining power of suppliers is low as there are many suppliers in the market and they cannot charge a high price otherwise they would lose business to their competitors. Yes (+) moderate No (-) 1 . My inputs (materials, labor, supplies, services, etc. Are standard rather than unique or differentiated. 2. I can switch between suppliers quickly and cheaply. 3. My suppliers would find it difficult to enter my business or my customers would find it dif ficult to perform my function in-house. 4. I can substitute inputs readily. 5. I have many potential suppliers. 7. My cost of purchases has no significant influence on my overall costs 4. 2 Bargaining Power of Buyers The bargaining power of buyers is high in the chemicals industry as the buyers have many choices from where they can purchase their products from.Claimant's consumer markets include automobiles, candles, cosmetics, detergents, latex, stationery, as well as finishers for aluminum and leather. Claimant's buyers are aware of the need for information and Claritin helps its customers through the technical service centre. But this does not undermine the fact that other local chemical industries are also major players in the market so similar products are available, and buyers do not really incur a switching cost when changing where to purchase from. To what extent are your customers locked into you?No effect 1) Are there a large number of buyers relative to the number of firm s in the business? 2) Do you have a large number of customers, each with relatively small purchases? 3) Does the customer face any significant costs in switching suppliers? 4) Does the buyer need a lot of important information? 5) Is the buyer aware of the need for additional information? 7) Your customers are not highly sensitive to price. ) Your product is unique to some degree or has accepted branding? 9) Your customer's businesses are profitable. 0) You provide incentives to the decision makers. 4. 3 Rivalry among the Competitors Threat of competitors is high. 1 . The industry is growing rapidly. (Not so rapidly due to Energy constraints) 2. The industry is not cyclical with intermittent overcapacity. 3. The fixed costs of the business are relatively low portion of total costs. 5. The competitors are diversified rather than specialized. 6. It would not be hard to get out of this business because there are no specialized kills and facilities or long-term contract commitments etc. 7.My customers would incur significant costs in switching to a competitor. 8. My product is complex and requires a detailed understanding on the part of my customer. 9. My competitors are all of approximately the same size as I am. 4. 4 Threats of Substitutes Threat of substitutes is high. 1 . Substitutes have performance limitations that do not completely offset their lowest price. Or, their performance is not Justified by their higher price. 2. The customer will incur costs in switching to a substitute. 4. Your customer is not likely to substitute. . 5 Threats of New Entrants The threats of new entrants are high. 1 . Do large firms have a cost or performance advantage in your segment of the industry? 2. Are there any proprietary product differences in your industry? 3. Are there any established brand identities in your industry? 4. Do your customers incur any significant costs in switching suppliers? 5. Is a lot of capital needed to enter your industry? 6. Is serviceable used equ ipment expensive? 7. Does the newcomer to your industry face difficulty in accessing distribution channels?
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Essay on Exposure of the issue about privacy and surveillance on the social network the research of social networks effects on adolescents aged 13-19 years old by Leona LiEssay Writing Service
Essay on Exposure of the issue about privacy and surveillance on the social network the research of social networks effects on adolescents aged 13-19 years old by Leona LiEssay Writing Service Essay on Exposure of the issue about privacy and surveillance on the social network: the research of social networks effects on adolescents aged 13-19 years old by Leona Li Essay on Exposure of the issue about privacy and surveillance on the social network: the research of social networks effects on adolescents aged 13-19 years old by Leona LiSocial media can be used as an effective tool for socialization. Many people prefer to utilize new forms of social media in order to be connected with the society they live in. It is necessary to realize the significance of the relationship between social networks and the society. Special attention should be paid to the way the mediated technologies influence adolescents because their perception of the society can be viewed as initial perception, which requires further development.à As a result, adolescents can be manipulated easily by the social media.à à à à à à à à à à à According to recent studies, adolescents can be both positively and negatively influenced by the content of the social media, e.g. social networking sites. For example, much information found on the social network carr ies violence because of violent indicators. à In general, adolescents may ignore the information, which plays an important role in providing the control over privacy issues of adolescents. In addition, many adolescents cannot identify the key aspects of the content provided to them. Therefore, I will place emphasis on the exposure to the issue about privacy and surveillance on the social network in my research. I will be focused on adolescents aged 13-19 years old, exploring both negative and positive influences of the social media content based on the issues of privacy and surveillance.à à à à à à à à à à à Researchers pay due attention to the privacy issues in their studies, especially if these issues are connected with the social media content. For example, ââ¬Å"the danger of cyberstaking and communicating with strangers onlineâ⬠(Barnes, 2006) may have negative impact on adolescents. Nevertheless, the area of research study should be limited. In o rder to have a better understanding of the above mentionedà privacy issues, it is necessary refer to Danah Boydââ¬â¢s study regarding the role of adolescents involved in the social media playing field (2007) and the study conducted by Albrechtslund (2008) regarding the role of participatory surveillance from the social networks.à à à à à à à à à à à Based on my primary readings and research-based practices, my hypothesis will be the more information is provided to adolescents regarding privacy and surveillance issues on the social networks, the less harm will be made by the existing negative social media content. The most suitable research method for providing a comprehensive research on the required topic will be the quantitative research method. This research method will help to conduct an experiment through quantitative interviews of random adolescents aged13-19 years old as the sample of the experiment. The research question will be: what is the impa ct of the social media networks on adolescentsââ¬â¢ awareness of the relationship between the society and themselves based on the issues of Privacy and Surveillance?Literature Reviewà à à à à à à à à à à The issue of Privacy and Surveillance in the social media has been widely discussed in scientific literature, especially in the field of media studies. Researchers take into consideration the role of the relationship with adolescents, highlighting the negative effects of the social media. Nevertheless, there is much evidence that both sides of the issue of Privacy and Surveillance influence the awareness of adolescents regarding the relationship between mediated technologies and the society. It has been found that the social media and adolescents are closely connected in the way they interact; therefore, it is not easy to define either the social networks or adolescents can dominate in this interaction. à Adolescents may experience surveillance on the soc ial media both in a positive and negative way. Thus, adolescents should be focused on the understanding of their role in the social networks.à à à à à à à à à à à Susan B. Barnes states in her essay ââ¬Å"A Privacy Paradox: Social networking in the United Statesâ⬠that the phenomenon of privacy issues of adolescents should be explored better, for example the uploading of their private information in social networking, because the consequences may be negative. She conducted a classroom survey, which involved the opinions of adolescents regarding the social media. The findings of her research pointy out to the fact that the social networks may become ââ¬Å"a form of entertainmentâ⬠for many adolescents. Moreover, some of adolescents may even ââ¬Å"ignore the difference between life online and offââ¬âlineâ⬠(Barnes, 2006). Barnes shows the relationship between the social media and adolescents in a way that is based on the negative aspects of the effects of the social media on adolescents, placing emphasis on the privacy issues.à à à à à à à à à à à Having analyzed a wide range of articles, I may conclude that it is difficult to give a clear definition to the issues of privacy and surveillance on the social media. According to Mark Andrewââ¬â¢s study, ââ¬Å"The work of being watched: Interactive Media and the Exploration of Self-Disclosureâ⬠(2002) and Danah Boydââ¬â¢s study, ââ¬Å"Social networks Sites: Public, Pirate or What?â⬠the issues of privacy and surveillance can be defined from the perspective of time and space. According to Danah Boyd, the sample of her study involves adolescents and the way they are ââ¬Å"socialized into a society complicated by shifts in the public and privateâ⬠(Boyd, 2007). However, Andrew points out to the fact that the surveillance issues regarding the social media use cannot be considered as the ââ¬Å"disappearance of privacy for per userâ ⬠because these issues can be assessed as the ââ¬Å"shift in control over personal information from individuals to Private Corporationâ⬠(Andrew, 2002). According to Barnes (2006), ââ¬Å"surveillance systems can exert the same type of control in contemporary cultureâ⬠(p. 6) Andrew is focused on his study on both the positive and negative aspects of the social media influence and the role of surveillance, defining it from general perspective.à à à à à à à à à à à According to recent study conducted by Anders Albrechtslund (2008), the privacy issues in the social media may have different consequences in relation to adolescents, while the surveillance issues on the social media are ââ¬Å"something potentially empowering, subjectivity building and even playfulâ⬠(p. 19). Thus, Albrechtslund states that surveillance can be perceived as an online content that requires the separation into several parts, depending on the context. For example, one of them is ââ¬Å"the hierarchical, vertical concept of surveillanceâ⬠(Albrechtslund, 2008). à Fundamentally, this concept shows the positive impact of surveillance.à à à à à à à à à à à My research will be based on the continuation of the studies mentioned above. I will study the exposure of the issues of privacy and surveillance on the social network based on the effects on adolescents aged 13-19 years old. The sample in my experiment will be a special group of adolescents aged 13-19 because this age period plays an important role in à the education transformation from high school level to college or university levels. Based on my literature review, I realize that it is crucial for me to explore the definitions of the terms like ââ¬Å"surveillanceâ⬠and ââ¬Å"privacy issuesâ⬠more profoundly.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Getting Beyond the Basics of the Spanish Future Tense
Getting Beyond the Basics of the Spanish Future Tense If you think that the future tense in Spanish is used to talk about events that will happen in the future, youre only partly right. For the Spanish future tense also has two other uses, one of which corresponds to an English usage and one that does not. And if you think that the only way of talking about the future in Spanish is to use the future tense, youd be mistaken. Spanish Future Tense as Emphatic Command If you grew up not liking vegetables, you may remember having a stern parent saying something like You will eat the carrots with a strong emphasis on the will. In such a sentence, the English future tense is being used not merely to say what will happen, but also to insist that it does. The same can be done in Spanish. Depending on the context and intonation, a sentence such as Comers las zanahorias can be either a prediction or a strong command. à ¡Te dormirs a las 10! (You will go to sleep at 10!)à ¡Saldrn si causan problems! (You will leave if you cause problems!)à ¡Esturiars toda la noche! (You will study all night!) Unlike with English, this type of reference to the future can be made in Spanish only with the simple future tense. Spanish does not use the progressive tenses (such as estars estudiendo for you will be studying) for this purpose. Spanish Future Tense for Indicating Probability More common is to use the future verb forms as a way of expressing something that is probable or supposed. There is no real verb-only equivalent in English; usually we would express such a thought by using probably, likely, I suppose or some similar word or phrase. In question form, the future tense can indicate uncertainty rather than probability. Here are examples of such usages of the Spanish future tense with possible translations: Pablo no est aquà . Estar en casa. (Paul isnt here. Hes probably at home.)à ¿Quà © hora es? Ser la una. (What time is it? I suppose its 1 oclock.)Han trabajado mucho. Estarn cansados. (Theyve worked hard. They must be tired.)Estoy confudida. à ¿Me amar? (Im confused. I wonder if he loves me.) Keep in mind that the understanding of such sentences, and therefore the translation, will often depend on the context. For example, estar en casa could mean both he/she will be at home or he/she probably is at home, depending on what else is said in the conversation. And of course, the same is true when translating to Spanish. In the third example above, deben estar cansados would not be a correct translation, because they must expresses probability rather than obligation. Ways of Talking About the Future in Spanish There are at least three ways of expressing the future in Spanish without using the future tense. Periphrastic Future The most common way is to use a form of the verb ir (to go), followed by a and an infinitive. Voy a salir. (I am going to leave.)Van a comprar un coche. (They are going to buy a car. )à ¿Vas a estudiar? (Are you going to study?) This use of ir a is so common that it is popularly thought of as the future tense in some areas and mostly replaces the standard future in everyday speech. This way of discussing the future is known as the periphrastic future tense. Using the Indicative Present for Future Actions In some cases, as in English, it is possible to use the present tense to tell of future events. Sale el tren a las ocho. (The train leaves at 8.)La fiesta de pelà culas comienza esta noche. (The film festival begins tonight.)Llega Paulina a las siete de la tarde. (Paulina arrives at 7 p.m. tonight.) This type of present-as-future is most common for scheduled events occurring in the near future. Using the Subjunctive Present for Future Actions Finally, Spanish sometimes uses the present subjunctive where we would use the future indicative in English. Dudo que ella vaya, (I doubt she will go.)Espero que haga buen tiempo, (I hope the weather will be good.)Lo siento que salgas, (I am sorry you will leave.) Often when discussing a future event, the subjunctive doesnt express something that definitely will happen, but rather events that might or wont happen. In other cases, the subjunctive will be used in a sentence that focuses on the reaction to a future event, as in the third example above. Key Takeaways The future tense in both Spanish and English can be used for emphatic commands.In Spanish but not English, the future tense is sometimes used to indicate that a verbs action is likely or that the speaker is supposing that it will happen.In both languages, the present indicative tense can be used to say something will happen in the near future.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Hiistory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Hiistory - Assignment Example 2. A response to the given statement should seek to make the speaker understand how the views expressed by him are a result of the colonialist discourse that not only wiped out thousands of Native Americans, but also seeks to erase any memory of them. History, as they say, is written by the victorious. This is an example of an attempt to remove the subaltern from books of history. 3. A significant difference in the way Native Americans perceived the world from the Europeans was in the way gender roles was organized. They followed a matrilineal system of inheritance. This meant that women were the ones who held property. This would mean that a much greater respect was accorded to women. This is a significant difference from the Europeans who settled in America and denied property rights to women and treated them as inferior to men. 4. Slavery in Africa was carried out by the indigenous tribes of the place who belonged to the same race. Slavery existed as a part of the social fabric th at placed the peasants and the slaves together, with the peasants on a higher plane than the slaves. This later was a factor in the export of slaves from Africa. Slavery in the Americas, however, was carried out by people of different races. ... A group of aristocrats were also part of the group of migrants who landed in America, for the purpose of administration of the new colony. Another reason why the English people migrated to North America was the most obvious and probably the most important reason-the search for new land and resources to augment the development of England. 6. The primary reason why England wanted to establish colonies was to procure more resources from another continent that would enable a greater standard of living for its own population. Apart from this, it was also easy for the British to get a lot of indigenous products that belonged to the native tribes by cheating them or through extortion. Trade, thus was another important reason for England to establish colonies in North America. Another reason for England to establish colonies in North America was the political situation at the time when England was engaged in a great rivalry with the French and wanted to compete with them in their trade with the Native Americans. 7. An Indentured servant is a laborer who works without any wages and is provided food, clothing, shelter and transportation. The initial immigrants of North America found it very difficult to procure servants to work in the fields because of the high wages that had to be paid. Indentured servants helped solve this problem and formed a part of the society that helped build the colonies in North America. Later, they formed an important part of the population of these countries as they did not leave them for their homelands. 8. A similarity between the colonies in Africa and the colonies in North America was the fact that in both of these places, the
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